Professor | University of Palermo

Simone Arcagni is Associate Professor at the University of Palermo. He also teaches at IULM in Milan and at the Scuola Holden in Turin. The principal fields of his research are postcinema, new media and new technologies. He collaborates with “Nòva – Il Sole 24Ore”, “Repubblica”, “Film TV”, “Segnocinema”, “Che fare”, “Impactscool Magazine”. He has his own blog (“Postcinema”) on the web platform «Nòva100.ilsole24ore». He founded and directs the scientific journal “ES Journal: Inside New Media and Digital Technologies” and he is the curator of Digita! the international digital content market. Among his publications, Oltre il cinema (Turin 2010) and Screen City (Rome 2012). For Einaudi he published Visioni digitali (Turin 2016) and L’Occhio della macchina (Turin, 2018). His latest pubblication is Immersi nel futuro. La Realtà virtuale, nuova frontiera del cinema e della TV (Palermo University Press/Rai).

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